The Lin Great Speaker Series presents Speaking on The Eucharist, Miracles and the Shroud of Turin
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 7pm to 8:30pm
About this Event
One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228, USA Eucharist, Miracles and the Shroud of Turin
Featuring Scott French, M.D.
Board-certified Emergency Physician
Recent research has demonstrated that the secular world belief that faith and science are incompatible, as well as relativism, has had a devastating effect on our children. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an even steeper rise in despair and suicide among our youth, and now has become a crisis. Drawing on his work on the medical/scientific evidence that the Eucharist is the living blood, body, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, French will talk about how the Eucharist, Eucharistic miracles and the Shroud of Turin can help us navigate the problems we face in our culture today.
About the Speaker
Scott French, M.D., is a practicing board-certified emergency physician who noted the rapidly increasing rates of depression, suicides and other behavioral disorders among our youth. In the process of searching for a solution, French was able to view the Shroud of Turin in 2015. This spurred a search for the full truth, and ultimately led Scott to The Rev. Robert Spitzer’s Magis Center in 2015, where he subsequently became a volunteer and board member.
The Lin Great Speakers Series is presented to the public as a community service. The lectures are made possible by an endowment established in memory of Shu-Chi Lin by his widow, Mrs. Chang Le-Chiao Lin, and their son, Vincent Lin, Ph.D., a St. Mary’s alumnus and former faculty member.
For more information, contact the Center for Catholic Studies at
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